What language would you like to learn?

Neelaacademy will help you enter a bilingual world

The Cornerstone of Neelaacademy 

Your Funds of Knowledge will Support Our Teaching 

Language learners` funds of knowledge help them understand and internalize the words and concepts covered in the classroom. Teaching discrete aspects of a new language will not help learners learn content in such a way that they can apply them in their lives unless those aspects are mediated through various strategies. In the study that Moll et al (1992) conducted, there was an example of how a teacher used the summer experience of one student in Mexico while teaching about candy making. We will connect language learners` funds of knowledge with the materials in the classroom and consider it as an opportunity rather than a deficit. To provide these contexts, our teachers will make their teaching as understandable and comprehensive through contextualizing the new contents and lessons. Contextualizing the contents and new information assists and also motivates learners toward learning the materials in class. Students get a deeper understanding of the new content when they relate the new information to their own lives and what they have experienced.

  • Simple and fun learning Using your funds of knowledge
  • Effective teaching By knowing more about language learners
  • Comprehensible Input Using the effective techniques
  • Connecting home and classroom A good context for deep learning

Whatever You Need  to Know

Three Easy Steps to Start in New Language Course in
ela Academy


Select your course

Learn more about different courses of Neelaacademy 



Take the Placement Test

To find out what your English level is, answer the questions carefully




You need to fill out the form here 


Language  Learners Review

What our previous language learners have written about us: 

We are so happy that we have been able to make a difference in the learning journey of our language learners. Your opinions and our experiences will be integrated to make us develop better and more useful lesson plans.  

Are you ready? Just right now, enroll in your favorite course

English or Persian? the course that you have selected will start in the FAAL season